Temporary Treated Living Room

Zalan Schuster is back with an educational video illustrating how to temporary acoustics can be employed to treat a room without mounting panels to ceilings or walls. Listen to the sound difference between temporary treated and untreated acoustic room.

Zalan Schuster is a GIK Acoustics dealer from Bratislava, Slovakia.
Tel.: +421 905 616 440
[email protected]

This video is for those who don’t have space for a dedicated listening room or home theater.  Perhaps you have a living room, but for a variety of reasons aren’t able to permanently mount acoustic treatments or move the furniture.  There are temporary acoustic treatments and solutions which can be quickly and easily assembled.  After use, it can be hidden away and the room returned to a multi-use function.

The living room is 4×4 meters with an attached kitchen.  From the loud speakers you don’t hear symmetry as sound is reflected from the windows on the right and the adjacent kitchen to the left.  Reflected sound from the floor, ceiling and walls give this room the acoustic properties of a bathroom.  When using the room to listen to music, Zalan shows how to quickly and easily setup temporary acoustic treatments.

The room is treated acoustically with GIK 242 Acoustic Panels on the side walls and first reflection points.  And GIK 244 Bass Traps are used behind the speaker and the back of the room to absorb the low end frequencies.  Let’s listen to the difference.

The differences will be better illustrated if you have good computer speakers which reproduce deeper tones. In reality, the sound difference was even bigger, than you hear in this video.

While this is not a perfect solution compared to a fully treated room; but it is a satisfying option for multi-use rooms.