Introducing FreeStand Acoustic PanelĀ©

GIK Acoustics announced the introduction of the FreeStand Acoustic PanelĀ© – a new movable, lightweight absorption panel.

TheĀ FreeStand Acoustic PanelĀ©Ā is aĀ goboĀ ā€“ a movable acoustic panel ā€“ and isĀ ideal for any room where wall mounted panels cannot be used or for rooms with multiple purposes. Ā For listening rooms, control rooms and home theaters, theĀ FreeStandĀ©Ā is a stylish solution for use in front of doors and windows. Ā For recording studios, theĀ FreeStandĀ©Ā can be used around drums or amps.

Owner and President Glenn Kuras said, ā€œWe developed the FreeStandĀ© as an option for customers who need flexibility in the acoustic solutions for their space.Ā  Weā€™ve always offered a variety of stands as accessories, but with the introduction of the FreeStand Acoustic PanelĀ©, customers get the added benefit of an affordable acoustic treatment plus a built-in support.Ā  Itā€™s a great product for treating rooms that serve other functions ā€“ such as living rooms as theater rooms or bedrooms as mixing studios.Ā  Itā€™s also adept for professional studios where treatments need to be placed in various areas during recording.Ā  The FreeStandĀ© is lightweight, versatile and totally movable making it ideal for all sorts of uses.Ā  They really are a great addition to our product line because they’re ready to use out of the box – just wham, bam, put it where you need it.Ā  Move it around, use it anywhere.Ā  And if your roommate or your wife doesn’t like it in the room, just store it away out of sight.ā€

TheĀ FreeStandĀ©Ā covers 5 feet of vertical wall space making it an ideal solution for early reflection points or helping to control overall ambiance in a room. Ā When placed against the wall, the supports leave a 4ā€³ gap between theĀ FreeStandĀ©Ā and the wall, which increases low end absorption.

For FreeStand Acoustic PanelĀ©Ā pricing and test results, click HERE for the product page.