GIK Seminar at Audio-Video Club of Atlanta

Glenn Kuras GIK Acoustics

Glenn Kuras, Bryan Pape, and Shelly Williams presented a demonstration to the Audio-Video Club of Atlanta during their September meeting.

Bryan Pape and Glenn Kuras at Audio-Video Club of Atlanta

The meeting began in an untreated conference room where we discussed basic room setup and general effects and expectations of room treatments. Then we brought in four (4) Tri-Trap Corner Bass Traps stacked in pairs in the front corners. Next we placed three (3) FreeStand Acoustic Panels on either side of the room in the first reflection points [for a total of six (6) FreeStands]. And finally we positioned two (2) Q7d Diffusors in the back of the room on a table approximately 3 feet off the ground. Then we listened. The results were immediate and noticeable to all attendees.

Next a presentation was given by Integrity High-Fidelity Solutions owner, Joseph Strovas, and Margules Audio owner/designer, Julian Margules. The Club enjoyed listening to DynAudio Confidence C-1 Loudspeakers, a Densen CD-440 CD Player, and Margules’ new Turntable. Toward the end of the meeting, all treatments were removed from the room. The change in audio tonalities was so dynamic, that Club members immediately voted to purchase Tri-Traps for the Club’s permanent use.

Following the demonstration, A-V Club of Atlanta VP of Industry Relations Chuck Bruce said, “This is no hocus pocus. The results are real. Yours was perhaps the most important demo we’ve ever had at a meeting.”

We are honored and very appreciative to the Audio-Video Club of Atlanta for allowing us to present our products.