GIK at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2014

GIK Acoustics RMAF

GIK Acoustics was all over the 11th Annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest at the Denver Marriott Tech Center. GIK President Glenn Kuras and Marketing Director Shelly Williams met with customers and provided acoustic advice.

Just a few items on display: Soffit Bass Trap, FreeStand Acoustic Panels, Tri-Trap Corner Bass Traps, and one of our outstanding ArtPanels.

As in years past, we partnered with Klaus Bunge of Odyssey Audio.

Klaus Bunge and Glenn Kuras

GIK Acoustics products were also on display with:
Rms #473 and #471 with SVS Specialty Technologies
Rm #427 with Core Audio Technology and Hawthorne Audio
Rm #577 with Vegas Image Audio
Rm #545 with Endeavor Audio
Rm #1002 with Existence Loudspeakers
Rm #2016 with JRiver Media Center and JTR Speakers
Rm #2020 with
Red Dragon Audio
Rm #2024 with
Vapor Sound

GIK Scopus Traps, QRD Diffusors and Tri-Trap

FreeStand Panel with Existence Loudspeakers

FreeStand Panel and TriTrap with SVSound

Glenn Kuras with Art Panel

Read Part Time Audiophile’s review here.